business resources

All jurisdictions in Beaufort County require a business license. If your business is a storefront without delivery services, you will likely need only one business license issued from the governing jurisdiction in which your business operates. If you are unsure if your business location is in one of the five municipalities or unincorporated Beaufort County, or if you need more than one license, please contact Beaufort County for clarification. Use the links below to find out more:

General Business Permits

Many businesses require various permits. When seeking business license information, be sure to ask about any permits, local or state, that may be needed.

Building Permits

Beaufort County and its municipalities have worked hard to maintain the beautiful sense of place that draws so many here. Protecting the history and the environment however, means that businesses seeking to build or change an existing structure are likely to deal with codes and ordinances to protect what exists.

When doing any building or modifications in Beaufort County, the Chamber highly encourages using local engineers, architects, lawyers, construction companies, etc. Local businesses know the rules and regulations and can save businesses costly mistakes. For lists of local businesses, please see the Chamber directory. Permits for new buildings and changes to existing buildings are required.

If operating a home business, please check the zoning with your local government entity to ensure the business can operate legally. There are many state and local ordinances in place to protect product and worker safety as well as the integrity of the neighborhoods.