Independent Contractor vs. Employee

employees working in office

When welcoming a new team member, you must be able to categorize them as employees or independent contractors. This way, you can ensure you remain in compliance with appropriate regulations.

In this guide, we explain the distinctions between an independent contractor and an employee and their significance in the business realm.

Key Takeaways

What Is an Employee?

An employee is an individual who works under the supervision or control of an employer. The parties establish the employer-employee relationship with an employment contract. Employees can be either part-time or full-time and are eligible for various degrees of employee benefits.

What Is an Independent Contractor?

An independent contractor is an entity, either an individual (a freelancer) or a company, hired by an employer to complete specific projects and tasks defined in an independent contractor agreement. They are usually equipped with specialized skills or knowledge and enjoy the flexibility of working for multiple companies.

differences between independent contractor and employee chart

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Employment Laws

Here’s a brief overview of the employment laws: