The New Testament in the original Greek

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Reviewer: Shelly0269 - favorite favorite favorite favorite - October 25, 2017
Subject: Westcott & Hort

Original koiné Greek text 1881C.E. by Greek Scholars B.F. Westcott & F.J.A. Hort the two editors worked together for 28 years. It is a critical text, compiled from some of the oldest New Testament fragments and texts that had been discovered at the time. Greek Words according to it’s root meanings. A Widely Accepted Version by reason of it’s admitted excellence.

Some say that these 2 Scholars have been involved in Occultism, however in every search there have only been accusations and no real evidence to back this up.

So therefore, just like the Accusations of the below example, please give thorough evidence of their Occultism on Westcotte and Hort, next time you type!

We can liken this to accusations of Founders and admitted Christians such as: Charles Taze Russel & J.F. Rutherford.

Ones have tried to demonstrate that these 2 men were also occultist, but far from the truth!

Was Charles Taze Russell a Free Mason or an Illuminati?

The Gravestone Issue, Where it Originated and Where it was placed

Charles Taze Russell died in 1916, the Pyramid marker was installed in 1921 (5 years after his death), and the The Masonic Temple was built in the mid 1990s, these items have nothing to do with Pastor Russell's grave. The Masonic Temple is not even on the cemetery grounds, it is a different property altogether. In fact, the Rosemont United Cemetery was never a Masonic cemetery. Many do not want you to see the first photo from 1916, showing that Pastor Russell was dead long before the Masonic Temple was built. And others do not want you to see the second photo, because some people teach that Russell is buried "under the Pyramid", or "in the Pyramid", or that the Pyramid is "his grave marker." Now, how can that be, see Russell's headstone, see the Pyramid marker, they are in two different locations, with other graves in between them. Neither the symbols found in the Watchtower nor the cross and crown symbol are exclusively masonic. And the cross and crown symbol does not appear on his gravestone in the Rosemont United Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — it appears on a memorial erected some years later.

The 3 Major Mason Lodge Replies of No Listing of Charles Russell

There is no credible evidence whatsoever that Charles Taze Russell, founder of the International Bible Students Association — forerunner of the Jehovah’s Witnesses was a Free Mason. Even ex-JW Barbara Anderson in 2001 wrote for Enquiry if Charles Russell, his father, Joseph Lytel Russell, and his uncle, Charles Tays Russell, were Freemasons. The Reply came back Negative from The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, The Grand Lodge of Ireland, and the United Grand Lodge of England AFTER A SEARCH OF OUR RECORDS, WE DETERMINED THAT THE THREE RUSSELL'S WERE NOT MEMBERS OF OUR ORGANIZATION." 581

Charles own Denial of Being a Free Mason

In 1913 during his trans-continental speaking tour of the Masonic hall in San Francisco Sermon. Russell said "Now, I am a free and accepted mason. I trust we all are. But not just after the style of our masonic brethren. We ALL are? True Bible believers may or may not belong to the masonic fraternity, but they are all masons of the highest order, since they are being fashioned, chiselled and polished by the Almighty to be used as living stones in the Temple Built Without Hands. They are free from sin, and therefore accepted by the God of Heaven as fit stones for the heavenly Temple - I have never been a mason."

Throughout his ministry he stated that he believed Christian identity is incompatible with Freemasonry, and that Freemasonry, to Quote from Russell “ We perceive various bundles or organizations under various names, all professing love, but none of them even dreaming of union with such bonds of love. We are not forgetting the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Episcopalians, the Lutherans, the Roman Catholics, etc. But none of these claim to be such a brotherhood as our Lord has described.” Sermon Book / SM697 - The Brotherhood of Christ

Further.. he states "This brings before us the whole question of orders, societies, etc., and what privileges the New Creation has in connection with such organizations. Is it right for them to be members of these societies? We answer that while Church associations are purely religious, and labor and beneficial organizations in general are purely secular, there are still other orders which combine the religious and the secular features. As we understand the matter, for instance, the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, etc., perform certain rites and ceremonies of a religious kind. We place upon one level all of those who have any religious ceremonies, teachings, etc., and consider them all as parts of Babylon . We admonish the New Creation to have nothing whatever to do with any of these semi-religious societies, clubs, orders, churches; but to "Come out from amongst them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing." (`2 Cor. 6:17`)" —1904; "The New Creation", pp. 580-Knights of Pythias, Theosophy, and other such groups are "grievous evils" and "unclean". Replies Charles.

Symbolism not Masonic as they even Claim

Russell's use of the winged solar-disk originated from his understanding of Malachi 4:2, which denotes a sun with wings, as a symbol that Christ's millennial Kingdom had begun to emerge. Some critics also claim that the pyramid near Russell's gravesite is Masonic, because of its shape and its use of the Cross and Crown symbol, although this remains disputed. Despite these claims, the Grand Lodge officially stated that Russell was not a Freemason, and the symbols used are not exclusive to Masonry

Illuminti Exposer caught in his own Scandal

This in no way discredits that Mind Control Victims or that the Illuminati or the 13 Bloodlines are not real. This is for the purpose of the involving Jehovah’s Witness as part of the Illuminati due to his disgruntled anger, but as proven above JW’s clearly are not Masonic! Springmeier became interested in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, even though he supposedly became a Christian during his ‘teen years. While attending Kingdom Hall, he met a woman who he eventually married and had a child together. This marriage did not last long, as his wife filed for divorce on the grounds of child abuse – a charge that was never proven. The custody rights of their young son went to her. Disgruntled over the court decision, Fritz kidnaped the boy and fled to Oregon from the mid-west. He eluded law enforcement for about two years and was finally captured by the FBI. Springmeier was sentenced and served an unspecified amount of time in a federal prison. Some time after his release, he went back to Oregon and became involved in a counter-cult ministry to JW’s called, Witness Inc.

On March 1, 2001 As part of an ongoing probe into a white supremacist group, federal and local law enforcement agents raid the Corbett, Ore., home of Fritz Springmeier, seizing equipment to grow marijuana and weapons and racist literature. They also find a binder notebook entitled "Army of God, Yahweh's Warriors" that contains what officials call a list of targets, including a local federal building and the FBI's Oregon offices. Springmeier, an associate of the anti-Semitic Christian Patriots Association, is eventually charged with setting off a diversionary bomb at an adult video store in Damascus, Ore., in 1997 as part of a bank robbery carried out by accomplice Forrest Bateman Jr. Another 2001 raid finds small amounts of bomb materials and marijuana in Bateman's home. Eventually, Bateman pleads guilty to bank robbery and Springmeier is convicted of the same charges, and both are sentenced to nine years.- © 2011. Southern Poverty Law Center. Fritz Artz Springmeier is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the Illuminati and mind control. He has been on numerous radio shows and spoken at several conferences. A prolific writer, Springmeier has published several books, most notably, Be Wise As Serpents, The Watchtower and the Masons, The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave and Deeper Insights.

In conclusion, one could surmise, after thoroughly analyzing the evidence presented that Fritz Springmeier does, in fact, have a hidden agenda. Although he has put out an enormous amount of information on topics relating to the NWO, he tickles the ears of the listeners and readers, thereby exploiting his expertise as a cover or front. Granted, some of his books have been an invaluable asset to many counselors and therapists whose clients are SRA and MC survivors, but has it proven to be a cure-all for complete de-programming? Several survivors have commented that while staying at Cisco’s (his 2nd Wife) house, there were sexual relations going on between the two of them. Is this appropriate conduct for a man who calls himself a Christian? Also, if Fritz is such an expert in de-programming, where are all the survivors he has personally helped and why hasn’t Cisco, been set free from her programming?

Springmeier's early work, “The Watchtower & the Masons”, focuses on the relationship between Jehovah's Witnesses and Freemasonry. In this book he describes a relationship between Charles Taze Russell. But the Evidence is only Theory and had no Real Evidence.

Br. Russell Reply to Secret Societies
Home Studies in the Scriptures Zion's Watch Tower Supplemental All Publications Download Files Help
VOL. XVI. JUNE 15, 1895. No. 12.
R1827 : page 143 - 144:: Watchtower Studies

Special Items: Missionary Envelopes. 138
The Work at Home and Abroad. 138
Views from the Tower. 139
Whose Glory is in their Shame. 140
St. Paul's Earnest Desire. 142
Secret and Beneficial Societies. 143
Bible Study: Our Lord's Ascension. 145
Bible Study: Review. 146
Bible Study: The Ten Commandments. 147
Into his Marvelous Light. (Letters.). 147


DEAR BROTHER:--I would like to have your opinion on the subject of life insurance. They are organizing lodges all around here--United Workmen, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Masons, Odd Fellows, etc. They are working it just about like sectarianism in the churches. Would like to see an article in the TOWER on the subject.

Yours in the love of the truth, W. E. KILLAM.


In our judgment the majority of "secret societies" are merely beneficiary and have no secret schemes antagonistic to the general public welfare, the secret rites and ceremonies being merely "boys' play," occupying the time and attention of persons who have no greater aims than those which pertain to the present life. We note, however, that several Roman Catholic Societies seem to have schemes connected with the use of fire-arms, and are therefore to be classed as malevolent rather than benevolent.

We note also that the Order of Free Masons, if judged by its past history, has some secret object or scheme, more than fraternity and financial aid in time of sickness or death. And, so far as we can judge, there is a certain amount of profane worship or mummery connected with the rites of this order and some others, which the members do not comprehend, but which, in many cases, serves to satisfy the cravings of the natural mind for worship, and thus hinders it from seeking the worship of God in spirit and in truth--through Christ, the only appointed Mediator and Grand Master.

In proportion as such societies consume valuable time in foolish, senseless rites and ceremonies, and in substituting the worship of their officers, and the use of words and symbols which have no meaning to them, for the worship of God, in his appointed way--through Christ, and according to knowledge and the spirit of a sound mind--in that proportion these societies are grievous evils, regardless of the

::R1827 : page 144::

financial gains or losses connected with membership in them.

But respecting those orders which are merely Mutual Insurance Societies, in which the members pay a certain weekly sum of money to their sick, and at death a larger sum to their families, we must concede that they represent a good principle. It is certainly in harmony with the golden rule to help our neighbor when he is in need. The only objection we see to this is, that it puts the matter on a business or selfish basis and thus destroys its benevolent features; for each one joins, not for the good he can do, but for the help he hopes to obtain for himself or his family.

If, therefore, the matter be considered merely as a business arrangement, we can see no more wrong in joining such Mutual Benefit Societies than in taking out a policy in a regular Life or Accident Insurance Co., or insuring property in a Fire Insurance Co.--provided always that there be no confession of error or binding obligation required, contrary to the liberty wherewith Christ makes free. Wherever oaths of secrecy are demanded it is safe for God's people to touch not, taste not, handle not,--except as oaths are prescribed by public law, as before courts or in reference to documents for public record. In every other case the children of God will be blessed in obeying strictly the admonition,--Let your Yea be yea, and your Nay, nay; for "whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." It is in connection with his description of the "last days" of this Gospel age that St. James cautions against all binding oaths, such as many Secret Societies demand.--`Matt. 5:37`; `Jas. 5:12`.

We suggest, however, that, even as business concerns, many will be disappointed greatly by these Mutual Benefit

::R1828 : page 144::

Societies, in the near future. When the time of trouble shall have fully culminated, these Societies, as well as the great Life Insurance Companies and business in general, will all be paralyzed; and those leaning upon them will be sorely disappointed. The only ones who will be secure then will be those who have laid up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal. All others, even the rich, will "weep and howl for the miseries" which shall come upon them."

The present agitation for Societies and Unions, which is taking the world by storm, seems to be foretold in the Scriptures, and includes, we believe, not only Church organizations, but all the various organizations which tie men up together in bundles, to-day as never before. (See `Isa. 8:12`; `Matt. 13:30`.) These "bundles" or Societies may seem simple and harmless just now, but when the symbolic fire reaches them, when the great time of trouble shall have kindled the passions of the world in general, then it will be almost impossible to escape from these bundles. Pride will hold them together;--none will wish to show the "white feather" of cowardice;--none will wish to appear disloyal in the hour of trouble;--Societies will act en masse, and individuals will thus be led into positions which they never would take alone. Money also will be a factor. After having paid in considerable "dues," they will not feel disposed to lose that money;--especially when they see the cloud of trouble getting darker and nearer. Thus bound together they will suffer from the "burning," the distress, of the time of trouble, which God declares will be such as was not since there was a nation.

Better far will those be who lean not upon Egypt (`Ezek. 29:6,7`--the world), for help, but who lean upon the Lord. The Lord will be their fortress in the day of trouble.

Such societies, on selfish business principles, are foreign to the spirit of God's Church. In it, those who have this world's goods should be ready to assist the needyof the Lord's family, hoping for nothing again. And all who are members of the true Church whose names are written in heaven, all who have the spirit of the Head, will be willing and anxious to do good unto all men as they have opportunity, especially to the household of faith, who are not leaning upon earthly Societies, but who, instead of spending "dues" in that way, are using their means to serve the Lord, his truth and his people.

Since we do not condemn Life Insurance Societies conducted upon business principles, even though we fear that they will be very insecure dependencies when the time of trouble shall have fully commenced, some one may ask, How are we to understand our Lord's words,--


So therefore, just like the Accusations of the Westcotte and Hort, please give thorough evidence of their Occultism next time you type!

Reviewer: kiwimacahau - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 4, 2015
Subject: Westcott and Hort

This version of the New Testament in Greek was co-authored by Bishop Westcott and Rev Hort. It is both an excellent piece of work, although now dated, and a tribute to their fine Christian lives and witness.

Reviewer: learnthedetails - - July 16, 2013
Subject: Patient, but diligent, in any serious search for real answers. Encouragement for seekers

The Title of the book by Westcott and Hort is The New Testament in the original Greek (1881).

But this is false. A more accurate title would be the False Gospel of Westcott and Hort, as presented through their invented and altered false greek testament.

The Details of many of their 3000 + alterations and changes to the greek New Testament text have already been explained line-by-line, by Professor Hoskier in his Two Volume work called Codex B and its allies (1911).

I agree with both reviewers. the specifics are important, but the material can be hard to understand for those who do not have the background.

Basically, Original Greek New Testament is good, but was corrupted by several others including Westcott and Hort. Westcott and Hort were officially anglican, although in practice were occultist who were attempting to subvert the New Testament followers, by re-writing the text of the New Testament.

The changes between the KJV (for example) and the Westcott-Hort-Nestle-Aland version number in the thousands. However, it takes a deep study of doctrine often to understand what has been changed, and to know what the implications are, for the reader.

To the average person, they would not understand most of the changes, but what they would experience is simply great difficulty in reading, and in reading through, the New Testament. THey would also be likely to be bed astray to false theological conclusions.

PLace to start for those who don't know anything about Christianity might be the books of R.A. Torrey or Lee Strobel (case for a creator, case for christ, etc) , or Ravi Zacharias, or the non-fiction books of C.S. Lewis, (type in their names, google them, etc).

For those who have a christian background but have not studied the issues of Bible versions, there are several places to start:

1. If the FOundations be destroyed - What does the NIV have against JEsus by Saliby ?
2, New Age BIble Versions by Gail Riplinger
3. The Battle for the Bible by H. Lindsell

Those who wish to deal with the alterations to the new testament in GREEK, may want to start reading the material of OXford Professor John W. Burgon on the text of the New Testament.

There is no one place where you can go, to get the outline of the controversies. They are many.

There is no one book that has summarized all of the material. New Age Bible Versions by Riplinger tries to do this, though it may seem more readable to some than others.

Of course, Gail Riplinger here has videos, but those videos should be watched, along with reading her book on New Age Bible versions. (You can even throw in the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow and learn about the plans for the implementation of the Global order using changed and altered falsified Bibles. which are often the modern versions that claim to be clear, but actually are not ).

It would be a mistake to conclude that all of these authors agree with each other in every detail. But they do tend to agree with each other on the broad outlines.

There is a Greek New Testament, it is the same one as the one which was available at the time of the Apostles of Jesus (who wrote it). There are 27 books of the New Testament today, and there were originally 27 books of the New Testament. There are thousands of copies of the New Testament, and many many that date back to very close to the time of the Apostles. It is possible to know which are the real manuscripts and which are the counterfeit. But don't expect to learn this in 5 minutes.

Most people do not want to know the truth. Many are lazy, many more don't care, and many dont understand how their eternal destination can really be tied up, with a book authored 2000 years ago. Somehow they forget that God is thousands upon thousands of years old, and that once He gave his message (in the Old and New Testament), then it was up to the humans to get ahold of it, study read it, and understand it. A few know to start reading in the 4th Gospel in the New Testament, the Gospel of John. But many don't even know that, are afraid to read, and allow themselves to be controlled by those who have scared them off, away from anything spiritual. Nice trick to get people to ignore their own spirituality.

As far as professional critics, Usually those who support the message and content of Jesus CHrist and the New Testament gospel content, tend to favor the older and more accurate manuscripts.

Those who are against the message of Jesus Christ, and try to make Jesus say just about anything, except to admit that HE claimed to be the true MEssiah, those people are those who are modernists, who support the 1% of counterfeit manuscripts, and they are the ones who are often found today teaching at Harvard, Yale, or in several seminaries.

Those who oppose historic Christianity would include those such as J. Rifkin, Joseph Campbell, D. Spangler, Elaine Pagels, Baigent et al, Daniel Wallace (RCC), Metzger, Nestle (Sr and JR), Griesbach, Aland (Kurt and Barbara), Ken Copeland, James Scott Trimm, Charles Capps., Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Rick Joyner; Jack Deere, Origen, Peter Gilchrist, Alice Bailey, Mike Bickle; Patricia King, Ern Baxter, Paul Cain, Z. Sitchin, George Lamsa, acim, Charles Taze Russel (jw), J.F. Rutherford (jw), Richard Foster (renovare), Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet, Doug Pagitt, S.A. Weor, Shirley MacLaine, Tony Campolo, E.W. Kenyon, Phillis Tickle, Rob Bell, Mircea Eliade, Spong, William M. Branham, C. Peter Wagner, Kittel (Sr and Gerhard), Bart Ehrman, Griesbach, Lachmann, Philip Schaff, Tischendorf, and Westcott and Hort.

The reasons to believe the material – [of the teachers we like] - should be that the content of the material agrees with the New Testament, at least for those who claim to believe that the New Testament and its content is the accurate revelation from God (provided it is an accurate version). The reasons to question the material or content of authors should be based on whether or not the material is spirituall accurate, not whether it makes us emotionally feel good. Emotions often unreliable and very transitory and temporary. Truth and God's truth specifically, will last forever.

The older Christians (such as calvin, luther, stephanus, etc) knew which manuscripts were reliable back in the 1500s and 1600s. The answers that they found and supported, are the same answers that genuine Christians will support today. The conclusions about the manuscripts are the same. But the information supporting the more accurate manuscripts has become much more abundant.

No one will give you a medal for the study.

Few will congratulate you for the effort.

Few will agree with the information, even when it is accurate, because even MOST people INSIDE the Christian churches, have been trained to stay lazy, passive, ignorant, content and asleep.

As others have noted, the ramblings DO have links within them, so they can be used. But it would be a mistake to suppose that anything will be simple and easily understood.

The simplest thing is get a King James Bible, find the 4th Gospel, the Gospel of Johh, try to read it and when you have questions, take notes for yourself, and write your questions down. And then ask God to help you understand, both before you read it and after.
Conversation with God is called prayer, and what can it hurt ?

As you re-read it, you will find answers, and learn more about both where to search, and how to find answers. Think of it as trying to solve an ancient mystery and a very large puzzle, with your eternal destination being the ultimate prize. Time is short, especially at this time.

Any of this is pretty much like trying to prepare for an earthquake, you knew the signs were there, you could have made preparations, you could have studied what to do, what to learn, and what is most important to know, to protect and help yourself and your family. Spirituality is much the same way. Many difficult days are soon ahead. Those who can get a clue, would do themselves a favor by learning how to find the real and personal connection offered to God through the contents of a genuine New Testament.

For most people, they will ignore the flood, until they are about waist-deep, and only wake up to the vague realization that they should have invested their time learning and preparing, much much sooner.

Some people have the concept that it is up to God to convince them that He is real. He is, but His job is only to make it possible for humans to learn and know about Him, if THEY want. God does not convince people against their will. God does not violate the rules that He established, so that humans have the choice of whether to accept Him and seek Him, or not. (Humans can chose their choice, but not the consequences of the choice. so chose. wisely). God arranged for 1500 pages of material (called the Old and New Testament) to be available in just about every language and every culture. So it actually takes real work, to continue to avoid the material that God has made available for anyone who wants to learn about Him. The Bible is still the number one bestseller every week, of every month of every year, around the world. That only makes the material even more abundant.

What each person does is up to them. God does not reward everybody. As the good book says, God reveals Himself to those who seek Him with ALL THEIR HEART, not to those who are simply curious for the past 25 seconds.

And also GOd is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY (sincerely, with all their inner strength) genuinely seek, and are seeking, and continue to seek, to find HIM. God knows how to evaluate our efforts, He knows if we are sincere or not. No human living now is perfect, but God knows to give us credit for the Effort that we do and actually ARE trying to make.

Those who truly and sincerely seek God usually find Him.

Those who do not seek God, often do NOT find Him.

Choice belongs to each of us.

Bibles based on Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf, Griesbach, Nestle and Aland, are going to be Bibles that are false, counterfeit, support wrong doctrines, have false historic accounts, and demonstrate themselves to be deviating from the known historic manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments. The Old Geneva Bible or King James Versions do a much better job, if you can actually take the 5 minutes and learn about 100 new words that you are not familiar with (Webster's Dictionary – 1828 – Free, here also). Learning is part of life, and that still applies to books of a spiritual nature also.

Reviewer: thomasanswered - - July 15, 2013
Subject: Against SitchinLied

When I judge the weight of arguments for or against Westcott and Hort, I am often struck by the fact that those who oppose them are often themselves deficient in the skills of communication. If you believe that you are relaying truth handed down by the living God, it would seem, then, that you would have a burden to communicate this in as flawless a manner as humanly possible, rather than in rambling. Scripture doesn't ramble, neither should those who believe in it. Study to be as eloquent as the apostles were in their writing, for the subject you convey is worthy of the utmost care.

Reviewer: SitchinLied - favorite - March 12, 2013
Subject: Hard questions and inconvenient facts.

In contrast to the myths and the errant Greek manuscripts that Nestle used ( and persuaded others yearning for acceptance to use – see further below), and Westcott and Hort advocated, the serious material and documentation of Gail Riplinger ;. who wrote about New Age Bible Versions and her Free videos ;. should be mandatory for all those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ, and also for those who aspire to truth, or who are seeking accurate answers ; about the Bible, whether you agree with her or not.
Truth – real actual, outside-of-yourself, objective truth – God's Truth, has nothing to be afraid of. Some messages and facts are larger than the messenger, and this is true in Gail's case also. So if truth upsets you, or you are working for a spirit-guide, then fall back asleep, but only at your own risk. There are forces that DO NOT want you to WAKE UP. They do not want you to THINK. They do NOT want you to ASK QUESTIONS. You are involved in spiritual warfare, just by reading.

I will not tell you that Gail is perfect, but who is ? I would prefer a flawed human, who actually wants to do what is right, who tries to do gurnall ; what is right, and who is trying to catch up on history, manuscript studies ; paleography, study of ancient Greek ; or Hebrew ; . I would prefer someone MAKE the attempt ; and fail, rather than be like most pew-warming FALSE christians;, millions of whom; are surely headed for a lake of fire, while telling themselves ; that that they are saved ; offering not the slightest proof nor demonstration of this, who have no conscience, no understanding of the Bible, no ability to know, learn or discern what is the theology of God, versus what are false theologies.

If you assert that you have the status of being regenerated or Christian, and you actually are NOT (a Christian in the eyes and evaluation of God, who actually does know your spiritual state) , then the assertion does NOT make you a Christian ;. It simply means that your claims to be a christian are part of your own self-deception ;. The New Testament refers to those hundreds of millions of people as being part of the great falling away. Be sure you know who you are trusting ;

The old debates used to be about Christianity ; versus other religions. Now the issue is about What KIND of Christianity one has. And there is now MUCH more occultism ;, [ spiritism ; = demon possession] far more plain [[ demonic material, (SRA)]]; and much more FALSE miracles – You-Tube ;. [[ FALSE signs and wonders ]]; and many people who are simply possessed who are now simply part of their so-called [[ counterfeit local ]]; congregations. They are also among those who will take a mark on their right hand or forehead soon enough, and they will also believe the soon arriving false Messiah ; who rules from ;. Rome ; from Babylon ; . (Layard);. or Jerusalem ;. and whose plan involves getting through the time of Jacob's Trouble ;, (which is projected to be around seven years ;.). True Christians already know, as soon as you try to do what is right, as soon as you try to actually have a ministry, and especially if you are critical of other ;. ministries ;which are false ; or antiscriptural, ;, (Bickle, etc) you can be sure that spiritual forces will be evident in your life to begin resisting what you are doing, to s l o w you down and to stop your work, your ministry, your efforts and any results you might have hoped for.

This is why we are told to contend EARNESTLY ; for the true faith. Gail is not That rare truth-teller C Cumbey ;, nor as controversial as another Christian, Kay Griggs ;. (who tells the truth about leaders that Christians should have the courage to hear), nor quite as focused in her approach as the reliable historian Richard ;. Bennett ;. However the forces that Gail describes are real, their falsehoods are revealed here ;. also ;, for example, the work of the apostate false translator Kittel ;. ( Who admitted that he rejected the Old Testament, the claims of Jesus, and therefore the New Testament also ) ;.

So it is no wonder that wherever truth ; has actually managed to survive, there are many forces attempting to distract ;. and prevent people from even watching ;, or learning, so they can make up their own mind, for themselves. There are good teachers here, and the material ; that is contained ; in her ;. book ; about New Age versions remains accurate. Westcott and Hort despised Christians, and especially evangelicals. That reality seems to false evangelical leaders ; [ including Seminary professors ; and many Pastors ; ( false shepherds ; ) ] to use Westcott-Hort ;material , sources, and books (including false ancient greek texts) but only if the congregations are not informed of the the sources ;. of the material.

Is it possible that It is up to you, personally and individually, to consciously know what you believe spiritually, and know and find out for a fact what is true spiritually, and what is not true ? Yes, so If you get that part of your understanding of the Universe wrong;, you alone will pay the consequences;. This is WHY people who care about you tell you, and ask you, and recommend to you, that you read the Bible, often starting in the New Testament with the Gospel of John ( which is often a good place to start). If anyone told you not to worry about genuine spiritual accuracy, if a priest or pastor told you that you do not have to worry about it, then you were lied to ;– at that very moment. Now you and your eternity (and where you will spend it) hangs in the balance.

You are entirely 100% totally liable for every decision you make about whether to find God or reject Him, and whether to seek truth or not. A decision to ignore the data will simply be a definitely wrong decision. God knows you read these words, and He reads your heart, your mind and your thoughts. Chose what you want, but know that that you will have the consequences of your choice. Freedom of choice, means that YOU get the freedom to chose, your eternal destiny, and how to alter that destiny, if you chose. Freedom of choice means you chose and then you are also collecting the consequences of your choice. So chose wisely.

I cannot specifically speak to Gail's later material, but as for the 4 videos about versions of the Old and New Testaments, they are on track. Those videos (mp4) need to be watched by anyone in ministry, and anyone seeking truth. Certainly it is SAD that most pastors are too afraid, too gutless, too many cowards for most of them to personally study or deal with theses issues.

I guess for them, Jesus told them to go out into the world and preach the gospel, UNLESS ---> it was controversial, unless ---> they had to take a risk, unless ---> they valued their paycheck more than Jesus, unless ---> they might upset their main financial church contributor [isn't that idolatry, placing that individual ABOVE Jesus Christ, as the ruler of THAT local church . Chosing between Jesus or Mamon (love of money), is the choice that hard, really ? if you are truly a real and authentic Christian . ]

Many pastors and even youth leaders are uncomfortable reading this right now, because they know this is true, and many of them are recognizing the truth about their Seniour Pastors. You are being led by those who are VERY willing to lead you astray ;, by departing from the New Testament. There is a subtle seduction by which the junior leadership ; in churches are both pressured and seduced into SILENCE, so that Pastors are NOT confronted Biblically, which they should be by other leaders in the church, and so the entire church is compromised, first by the Senior leadership, but then further by the OTHER leaders (even Laymen leaders) who refuse to stand for truth, and are willing to put their own congregation in the way of HARM, in many ways and on many levels. To act in that manner is a betrayal of their office and a further betrayal of Jesus Christ. And for many, You KNOW this applies to You and your choices. You know who you are ;.

Do yourself and your spiritual future a favor: REVERSE your stand, get some guts, repent ;
of your own betrayal of Jesus through compromised leadership, compromised leadership ; and START doing the right thing, by confronting FALSE and wrong leaders in the church and congregations you are. Jesus rocked the boat, every day that he woke up and taught TRUTH and commitment to God.

When Pastoring becomes about the money, and when Seminaries professors are paid high salaries, given tenure, comfort and status, they seem to STOP caring ; about the spiritual wellbeing of those they are supposed to be helping ;. And that seems to happen real fast, (and even faster in official or state sponsored or state funded churches or denominations).

Yes, the road to hell, paved with good intentions ;, and full of pretty sights, sounds, and counterfeit ;. signs and wonders ; apparently runs through the doors and sanctuary of many churches, as Gail and her material has demonstrated and documented. Now if you feel comfortable, enough to ignore BOTH the information, and the steps needed to inform yourself, then I guess you have just declared where your allegiance is, and is not. Don't worry, Free drugs, Free demons ;. and a little mark needed to buy and sell ;. will be actually really here shortly to minister to your short term needs. Let those who think that modern versions are authentic, deal with the actual questions raised, and then test themselves against the results. Those who truly believe that they have the truth have nothing to fear. On the other hand, being deceived, and having mistakenly chosen (consciously or not) to believe falsehoods ; by your seminary-trained Pastors ;,THAT may have an impact on your eternal understanding, reaching far beyond your current perception. Some people wanted God to take His hands and control off the planet. He should no longer interfere, but let humans show ;that they can actually run and direct the planet ;, without God ;. Very soon, that ; will be the reality.

He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep, in order to gain that which he cannot lose. It is time to give up the old idols of professor-worship, and the comfort of official church salaries. Honor God instead of seeking your own material comfort, even under the guise of seeking pastorates. Dont compromise on truth-seeking just because you are longing to be recognized as a young leader. Take time to know God. Give Him a chance to show what He can do in your life. Study the lives of those who came before you. Time seems to be in short supply. Seek truth. Ask God to help you.